making metropolis: densities

illinois institute of technology
fall 2013 advanced studio

design of a master plan during an urban design studio to dreimagine two neighborhoods dissected by the I-90/94 highway in downtown Chicago.

what makes a city work? What allows it to be a liveable, breatheable space? And how can design invoke the feeling of community? By avoiding the cliche’ image of urbanity, this project looked towards creating a cluster of densities, linked through continuous green and public spaces, open to all.

Located in Chicago’s West Loop area, the project is located along the I-90/94 interstate highway, an area defined by a disection between Downtown Chicago’s highrise character to the east of the highway and Greek Town’s lower scale and strong neighborhood character to the west of it. The design focuses on stitching the east and west parts as a mechanism to revitalize the existing neighborhoods and create new lively ones that seamlessly transition between urban and neighborhood.

By creating a new district over the highway, the dividing lines are blurred. A path connecting the southwest and northeast edges of the highway creates a unique street experience that invites people outside into a 24/7 experience. From plazas, to open green spaces, the exterior is defined by and simultaneously defines the built environment; building typologies and use are designed to invite local business, moving away from the pervasive chain stores, especially in a rapidly growing city like Chicago.

urban design | masterplan 

studio: making metropolis with adv. steven brubaker
team: tongyu wu, eduardo martinez-mediero